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My freelance journey

Editor's picks
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John D Saunders and creating processes for your freelance business
It's always the right time to create a standard operating procedure for your small or solo business. John D. Saunders shows you how.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
How I’m succeeding with Hectic as a freelance marketing specialist
On getting the time, money, and quality of life I want (part 3 of 3).
Kira Johnson
Kira Johnson
Exploring Hectic: A whole new world (of managing contracts, projects, and invoices)
Taking the lead with some new features. Part 2 of 3.
Kira Johnson
Kira Johnson
When life gets Hectic: how I said goodbye to a traditional 9-5 and hello to freelancing
Becoming the main character in my own life. Part 1 of 3.
Kira Johnson
Kira Johnson
Is freelancing right for me?
Freelancing isn't necessarily a good fit for everyone. Follow this guide to find out if a freelancing career is something that would be beneficial to you.
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