What can Moxie’s Assistant do for you?

Built in TL;DR

That email uses 500 words when it could have been 15? Get the high notes with a quick executive summary. And get on with your life.

Conversational configuration

Sure, you know how to set up your projects, invoices, and forms in Moxie, but so does our Moxie assistant. Tell your assistant what you need built and voila! Admin day done.

First draft done

The cursor blinking on your blank screen is taunting you. Have our assistant start your email reply or the opening statement in your agreements. Give it a second prompt or edit with your voice. Start ahead and stay that way.

The votes are in... Freelancers love Moxie.

Smart executive summaries

Ask your business about its business. Not only do you get an executive summary for each day, week, and month, you can deep dive into those periods by asking your Moxie Assistant about the time you worked, incoming opportunities, and forms that were completed.

Mobile Assistant

Happy to help

Get started with Moxie
Moxie Assistant
Included in all plans