Why manage your projects with Moxie?

Full-project integration

Projects have a lot of moving parts. Keep the chaos under control by putting everything in one place. Track time and projects while managing everything from attachments to notes. Easy-to-use project management solutions all in one convenient application.

full project integration
adding a client project

The votes are in... Freelancers love Moxie.

different working styles
calendar details for every client

Different views for
different working styles

The goal is to improve your workflow, not interrupt it. Choose from user-friendly list views, kanban board views, or timeline views—it’s all about how you work best.

Day-by-day delivery

Never (ever) miss a deadline. Break down projects, tasks, and to-dos into sub-tasks so that you’re always one step ahead of whatever needs to be done.

delivery management
deliverables check list
communication with collaborators
open ended collaboration


Get all of the eyes you need on your project. Easily invite your clients, team members, or other freelancers to work with you in Moxie, our project management app for freelancers.

Project management

Organize your freelance work With Moxie

Get started with Moxie
Manage clients and projects, create professional invoices, and organize future opportunities.
Or $20/month when you pay annually
Team up and grant all-access to everyone who makes the dream work.
Or $32/month when you pay annually
More details and FAQs