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Editor's picks
Mark Ormiston and affiliate marketing
Thinking about becoming an affiliate or creating an affiliate program? Mark Ormiston has grown his own program and shares how to make yours great.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Liam Carnahan and SEO for freelancers
Will SEO work for you in your small business? Liam Carnahan has the answer and how to optimize for SEO without selling your business's soul.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Jun Han Chin and illustrating your ideas
How Jun Han Chin uses several simple illustrations to communicate specific points to an audience.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Heston Roberts and using Instagram's features for your small business
Heston Roberts from Social Varsity breaks down the best use of each of Instagram's features.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Ashley R. Cummings on what you need for your website
Ashley R. Cummings talks about creating a personal brand and how to translate that to your web appearance.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Satta Hightower on marketing your freelance business
Always be marketing. That's Satta Hightower's advice as a 14-year freelancer. Do these 4 things every week to keep your pipeline full of just the right clients.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
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