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Ashley R. Cummings on what you need for your website

Ashley R. Cummings talks about creating a personal brand and how to translate that to your web appearance.
Ashley R. Cummings on what you need for your website

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Ashley R. Cummings is one of two reasons I go to Twitter (the other being #freelancechat hosted by Michelle Garrett, @PRisUs, on Thursdays). She combines thoughtful freelance musings, real humanity, and my brand of humor. Turns out, all that is on purpose as she’s carefully crafted her personal brand. 

As that brand has brought her new clients, she captures them on her also intentionally created website. Here are the 8 things that every website should have to effectively share who you are and capture new leads. 


Ashley admitted that she grew up around graphic designers so that could by why logo makes it to the top of her list, but a logo can give you instant recognition as well as communicating who you are in just a quick visual. 

Plus, what else are you going to put on your social media profiles? An actual photo?? Lol.


On Ashley’s website, her headline is all the reasons you should work with her. Use your headline to communicate your most important point. Visitors to your website will know instantly if they are in the right place or not.

About page

I always read an about page. There are always other people doing what you do, but it’s the way that you do it that sets you apart. Share that story because you never know who is waiting to hear what you say in exactly the way you say it.


Alongside your witty and highly personal About page, samples of your work helps to round out someone’s perception of what you can do. Put your best and most accurate foot forward with work samples that you enjoyed doing so a potential client can see the type of work that you actually do.

I know your elementary teacher told you not to show off, but this is the right place to show your best stuff (because you're awesome!).


This one is optional, but like your About page, this is an opportunity for you to talk about your process and further round out the picture of the you that you want clients to see. A blog is also a great way to own some content instead of relying on whatever algorithm comes out next.


Put your best foot forward with your glowing reviews and other places you have worked. Nothing speaks volumes about your work like a great review from an actual customer too!

Intake form

Give your clients a simple way to contact you after they’ve read all of the above stuff and realized how incredible you are. 

Moxie makes this easy with a customizable form that you can embed on your website (and opt to drop these forms into a stage in your pipeline and automate next steps for all new opportunities).

Contact info

Ashley said this during her workshop:

“If no one knows who you are, they can’t hire you.” 

Similarly, if no one can get ahold of you, they can’t hire you. Make sure you include contact info for all the flocks of new clients. 

Find Ashley’s steps to creating a personal brand (including action steps you can take right now towards your own brand) here. More from Ashley on her website

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Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee worked in marketing and promotions for radio and event coordination for non-profits. Today, she uses those skills to sell the day’s schedule to three tiny humans. Michelle gets most excited about helping people reach their fullest potential and finding a G-2 .38 pen.
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