In her workshop, Kat Boogaard shares the strategy and actual email she sent to book $3K in new assignments.
Michelle Lee
Austin L. Church's 14 step sales process
Some of our best notes (plus Q&A!) from Austin L. Church's workshop on a full freelance sales process.
Michelle Lee
Why freelancers need a sales pipeline tool
Sustaining a profitable freelance business with a steady stream of clients? It's not a pipe dream. A pipeline is the answer.
A guide to selling for those who hate selling
If the idea of selling makes you cringe, forget about pushy sale tactics and annoying sales pitches. This guide for freelancers who hate sales…
Anthony Sills
How to Get the Best Freelance Clients (10 Qualities Successful Freelancers Look For)
Finding the best freelance clients can be difficult, but there are certain characteristics you should always look for.
Anthony Sills
Authentic allyship in freelance
Freelancers are change makers. So let’s talk about how we can create change by moving towards intentional advocacy and empathy in how we see and support our marginalized clients.