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Pipeline Manager

Manage leads like a pro

Spend less time managing client relationships and more time on billable work with a visual, easy‑to‑use client relationship management system.
Get started for free
Always see what prospects are in your pipeline and where your client base currently stands
Know when to spend time networking yourself or connecting with past clients
Quickly convert prospects to clients with one‑click discovery and proposals

See clients at a glance

Organize and visualize your prospective, current, and past clients in a single glance so you always know where things stand and when to engage more clients.
moxie freelancer sales funnel
Moxie CRM for freelancers UI illustration

Turn leads to clients in clicks

Move clients through your freelancing business with drag‑and‑drop simplicity. Ready to move forward with a client? Take the next best action in a single click.

Get to know clients quickly

Screen clients and find the ones you want to work with through discovery and follow up. Collect basic needs, budget, timeframe and more with a custom-built template or one‑off forms.
discovery questions
client discovery questions

Spend time on billable work

Work from an existing form template for repeat work or customize a form for a new client or work outside your normal scope. Plus, send discovery questions and proposals right from your CRM screen.

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