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Predictions for freelancers in 2022

Hectic’s guide on how to start and run a freelance business in 2022

guide for freelancers

Introduction to Predictions for freelancers in 2022

Freelancing is the future of work.

That’s not to disparage anybody who works a traditional 9-to-5 job. It’s just a fact, one that the media and legislators can no longer ignore.

The corporate world has changed more in the past two years than in the past twenty years. Thanks to the pandemic we now all realize that it's possible to work on the internet from home, and no need for long daily commutes.

There's been a global shift in the way we work.

It has become increasingly difficult to attract people to work in a large corporate office because employees have realized that there is no such thing as a "safe and secure" job. Plus, thanks to the magic of the internet, there’s no need to report to work at a specific location in a specific city.

One thing that hasn't changed is the need for talented people to work on interesting projects. And increasingly, freelancers are being called to fill this gap, whether working individually or partnering in small teams to tackle larger projects.

If you possess a specific skill, you can use it to work for the world's top companies while commanding high earnings that are comparable to the highest paid professionals in the same field. And you can choose a flexible schedule so you don’t have to give up your other interests.

Hectic was created by a team of freelancers, who can relate to the struggles you might face as you embark on your freelance journey. We’ve learned from experience and that’s given us unique insight into the freelance world.

That’s why we want to take a look back at 2021 and look at predictions for 2022, plus tips on how freelancers can succeed in 2022. We want you to be armed with all the information you need to build your freelance career. You’ll get to optimize your business in 2022 whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your freelancing business — beating out your competition for jobs and fostering healthy, successful relationships with your clients.

You can read it all at once, skip around, or bookmark this page and come back to it when you have more time. You’re free to use this guide whatever way works best for you — because isn’t freedom what freelancing is all about?

The Hectic Team

What this guide can do

This guide is packed with resources to help freelancers of all levels learn more about the future of the industry, the growing interest in freelancing and what they can expect to see in 2022.

For many people, freelancing is the ideal occupation – but it may take you a while to get the hang of things. If you want to succeed, it’s important to develop a range of skills and knowledge to navigate the freelance world.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at exactly what you can expect from this guide...

Freelancing is on the rise and it’s changing the way we work.

The year is 2022. Freelancing has become a natural and universal way of working. Freelancing is creating a huge disruption to the traditional workforce. But don’t you worry, this guide will help you understand the current state of freelancing and trends that could impact your future success in 2022.

Technology has simplified most of the processes involved in freelancing.

With freelancing, you have the opportunity to learn as you go. Some projects do require specific skills, but you can choose to either acquire them or to move on to another job. Every freelancer knows more today than they did starting out — our team included. If you’re willing to take the risk, find the resources and the education you need, and never stop learning, you can freelance.

Freelancing will continue to create new opportunities for people who are looking for a flexible work schedule, or are hoping to work from home.

Love your job? Keep it and create your side-hustle. Unable or unwilling to find or meet the requirements of a hired position? Build your full-time freelance business. Just bored and want to make some extra cash? Spend an hour or two making money off the skills you have. Ready to be your own boss? Take the leap to a full-time freelancing business. As long as you meet your own needs, you can write the rulebook.‍

...but you have to know that it IS a job and a business.

This is often the biggest struggle for freelancers in all industries, levels of experience, and age. Just because you’re great at your craft, doesn’t mean you know how to run a business. With this guide and the right tools, however, you can rock freelancing like the badass boss you are.

Things to keep in mind

Freelancing isn’t just a way to earn extra money

Maybe you’ve decided to freelance because you’ve run into the ‘can’t get a job without experience, can’t get experience without a job’ paradox. No matter your situation, you should never treat your freelancing as just an opportunity to get experience in return for low-cost/free labor. While you will certainly learn and grow through your work, this isn’t a bad internship. You should value the work you do and pick clients who do the same. Look for ways to earn money from your freelance business.

The freelance option is (partially) driving the Great Resignation

Freelance gigs are real jobs, so you need to treat them as such. Comply with legal requirements, such as paying taxes on any money you make, and never take jobs that seem shady or illegal.

41% of workers worldwide say that they are considering quitting their jobs for more money, more flexibility or more happiness, according to a recent Microsoft report.

An article from MassLive titled Employees are leaving their jobs in record numbers; But where are they going? notes:

  • "For many people, flexibility outweighs the paycheck, according to a Grant Thornton survey. Half of the U.S. respondents said they would give up a salary increase for more flexibility in the study. Burnout remains a top reason employees seek other opportunities."
  • "Low-wage workers are revolting against years of poor pay and stressful conditions, according to a 2020 study by Brookings. The study highlights a fragile labor system that is becoming more profound due to low-wage jobs in the U.S. having increased while middle-wage jobs have declined."
  • “COVID-19 made explicit the consequences of this less-than-optimal equilibrium and broader worker precarity that is exposing the country to systemic risk,” the study reads. “The pandemic is leaving economic disaster in its wake and laying bare a system in need of a reboot.”
  • “One of the main factors for employees resigning from their jobs in 2021 was over contributions and ideas not being valued, according to well-being company Limeade.”
  • “With 40% of respondents in the study citing burnout as another reason, an additional 24% reported not being restricted to complete job responsibilities during set working hours as a top attraction.”

Our advice? Use your best judgment and never do work that makes you uncomfortable. At the end of the day, your work is meant to pay the bills, so prioritize jobs that pay real money you can use to save, pay taxes, and meet your financial obligations.‍

Freelancing is not a silver bullet.

Freedom and flexibility comes hand-in-hand with responsibilities as an independent contractor. While you don’t have to answer to a boss, you also can’t rely on an employer to take care of tax payments, legal paperwork, and administrative tasks. You are responsible for your own career and success, so you have to be willing to put in the work. Thankfully, you’re not on your own and you’ll soon find that the pros far outweigh the struggle.