How to write social media proposals that promise results to clients

Leads can turn into clients with the right plans and promises. Learn how to promise results to clients through social media proposals here.
How to write social media proposals that promise results to clients

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Building a strong social media presence is no longer optional. Facebook alone has more than 65 million business users. About eight million companies are active on Instagram.

The problem is that few users actually reach their target audience. That's where your services come in. Whether you're a PR specialist or a digital marketer, you can use your skills to help businesses increase their reach on social media.

Start by fine-tuning your social media proposals. Think about what your clients need and how you can bring value to their interactions with prospects and existing customers. Next, organize your ideas and write everything down.

You don't have a brilliant copywriter to draft social media proposals that win clients. All it takes is some planning and creativity. Here are some tips to help you out!

Focus on the right things

First things first, make sure you know what to include in a social media proposal. For best results, focus on the value you will deliver. That's what your clients care most about.

This document should outline your skills and how they benefit potential clients. Make sure you cover the following aspects:

  • An enticing intro
  • The client's target audience and social media goals
  • Any challenges they are facing, such as low engagement levels
  • Analysis and strategy—explain why their current strategy isn't working
  • Scope of work—how you plan to address the challenges above
  • Project milestones and deadlines
  • Case studies that demonstrate your expertise and track record of success
  • Payment information
  • Legal terms

Consider using a social media proposal template to save time and stay organized. Hectic features pre-built templates that users can easily customize based on their needs.

Our forms include an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder, e-signature functionality, and industry-standard terms. Plus, you can personalize them with your favorite colors, fonts, and images to better reflect your brand.

Know your customers

The key to a successful social media proposal is to research your client's needs. What you put in writing should reflect your understanding of their business and marketing goals.

Include some personalized information about their industry or business model. Provide examples of similar organizations that leverage social media to reach their goals. 

The introduction, for example, may include hard facts and other relevant data.

If, say, you're targeting medical professionals, you could mention that 77% of patients research a practice online before booking an appointment. Briefly explain the role of social media marketing in SEO, branding, and so on.

Set clear goals and metrics

Prospective clients want to know how your services will benefit their business. That's why it's important to set SMART goals for each potential client and determine which metrics matter most to them.

The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. For example, you could say that you're planning to help your customer double his follower count within 60 days.

Be specific about your deliverables. Let the customer know what you will do, how often you'll post content, and what you'll be tracking.

Create winning social media proposals

Writing effective social media proposals is both art and science. When you find a prospective client, familiarize yourself with his business model and learn as much as you can about his audience. Make sure your proposal aligns with his budget and marketing goals.

Now that you know more about creating a winning social media proposal, join Hectic and use our templates to make your job easier! Don't forget to check out the rest of our blog for more tips!

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