Do freelance copywriters need social media?

As a freelance copywriter, you may be wondering if you need social media to promote your business. Discover if you need social media for your business here.
Do freelance copywriters need social media?

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Becoming a freelancer is one of the most rewarding steps you can take in your life. You're taking on a new challenge and will get to become your own boss and work your own terms.

With this in mind, you might be wondering whether or not you need to embrace social media in order to become a successful freelancer.

Here are some points that you should know about using social media to grow your freelance copywriter business.

Does a freelance copywriter need social media?

So is social media a necessity for a freelance copywriter? The answer to that question is a resounding yes!

There are so many social media platforms out right now, with new ones seemingly popping up all the time. Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram are among the popular. Regardless of which platform makes the most sense for your copywriting business, it's important that you choose to embrace them to the fullest.

Here are some of the greatest benefits you will appreciate from having a social media presence:

1. Social media serves as a marketing tool and a feeder system for new clients

When it comes to marketing tools, it doesn't get better than social media platforms.

Get into the habit of creating lots of content on social media on a regular basis. Content marketing lets people know what you're all about and provides them with lots of useful information.

By putting out lots of content that piques people's interests, they will become followers and future customers. Social media has lots of potential for sharing, and you will also get plenty of referral opportunities by regularly posting content that catches people's attention.

You can use a project management dashboard to plan and schedule your social media posts. The more strategy you put behind how you utilize social media, the better results you will receive, in addition to an excellent return on your investment.

2. You'll get to update and post your portfolio

Social media is also an excellent way for you to show off your wares. You can literally make posts in seconds and can include links, gallery mode, and a variety of other features.

Having an online portfolio is crucial for any freelancer. By posting your portfolio to social media, you can easily blast it out to your followers, rather than having to worry about directing people to your personal website. When your portfolio is thorough and easy to find, it's easier to pick up new clients and prove that you are excellent at the work that you do.

3. Social media is the best networking tool to have

Networking is a cornerstone for any business that you are creating. Social media is a hotbed for networking and will allow you to link up with other people who work in your industry or related fields.

The key to this is to establish substantial relationships with others that will last a long time. Rather than asking for favors upfront, take the time to get to know people and how you can be of service to them.

After you have built a rapport, then you can pitch your business or any products that you have. Regardless, it's best to have long-term associates in your network,  and social media is the best way to make that happen.

You can use a client management platform to keep up with people and companies on social media that you want to reach out to at certain times. Plenty of people find new freelance copywriting jobs via social media by using it as a networking tool.

4. It lets you keep your eye on what's going on in your field

There's never a reason that you shouldn't have your eyes and ears on what's happening in your field. Social media is the best way to do this because you get to browse through relevant posts in your industry as they come along.

Follow brands and companies that will keep you abreast of what's going on, and you'll be able to incorporate strategies that allow you to adapt to the times.

5. More visibility lets you charge better freelance copywriter rates

Finally, never underestimate what social media marketing can do for your revenue potential. When you have a larger presence and platform, you will also be able to charge higher rates.

Setting freelance copywriter rates is one of the biggest challenges of the job, and the goal is to make it so that you aren't needlessly trading time for money. When setting freelance copywriter rates, the price that you charge can depend on your needs and the amount of business that you can bring in.

Always make sure that you use clean invoicing, along with project management dashboards that allow you to schedule out your work to your liking. This allows you to put both your marketing strategies and your freelance copywriting output on auto-pilot so that you get better results.

Improve your copywriting business through social media

Get the most out of your freelance copywriting business when you follow the points above.

Once you're ready to get results, start incorporating a social media marketing and advertising campaign that will help you take your company to the next level.

For more information on project management, invoicing, and a variety of other freelancing topics, check out more of our posts or discover The art of freelancing, your complete guide for how to start, run, and grow your freelancing business.

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