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5 benefits of freelance social media content managers

If you are on the fence about pursuing a freelance social media content management career, check out these 5 reasons for why this job might be right for you.
5 benefits of freelance social media content managers

Hero image by Lucas Lenzi

What is a social media content manager?

If you know how to use social media, there's a good chance a company would pay you to run their professional brand accounts.

Social media currently dominates the internet, and businesses are willing to hire people that can help them establish themselves. As a social media content manager, you can post a variety of things on a company's page, improving their engagement and spreading brand awareness.

We know how much businesses care about their visibility on social media, so we often encourage people to become freelance content managers. To help you decide whether it's right for you, we'll outline why people enter the industry.

Here are 5 reasons to become a freelance social media content manager!

1. Quickly find potential clients

Social media management provides freelancers with a plethora of opportunities. Because social media has about 4.55 billion users, many companies are actively trying to find people that'll help them improve their business pages.

This is great for anyone that knows how to interact with others on social media and use its features. Whether you want to work with local businesses or connect remotely, you can find hundreds of clients who are looking for your services.

2. Enjoy flexible hours

Another reason to become a freelance social media content manager is the flexible schedule you can enjoy. Like any freelance position, you can work as a content manager whenever you'd like. Keep in mind that you're the professional, however, so time management is up to you.

Social media also often requires you to be available to manage and respond to customer messages at a moment’s notice. You will likely have to maintain a level of availability at all times for these quick interactions. 

3. Charge the amount you want

As mentioned, you likely won’t have a problem finding clients as a social media manager. Thanks to social media's importance, companies are willing to pay a lot for these services because they know it'll help them gain customers.

When becoming a freelance social media manager, you can decide how much you want to charge these companies. After some potential negotiating, you can start earning a decent amount quickly.

4. Learn about what businesses like

The hardest part about becoming a social media manager is learning how to start. As you begin your work, however, you will work closely with your clients to create engaging content. This will show you what businesses like and what works best for their audiences.

Not only can you learn about what businesses desire, but you can also find out what they're willing to pay for this work.

5. Gain more opportunities

The last reason to become a freelance social media content manager is to gain more opportunities. Whether you want to remain a social media manager or enter another industry, gaining experience will help you throughout your career.

The knowledge you gain from working with a variety of businesses will prepare you for future work and running your own business’ marketing. As a social media content manager, this is crucial when you want to expand your services. 

Use Moxie to guarantee success as a social media content manager

Now that you know about the reasons to become a freelance social media content manager, you should use Moxie's services to make the job easy.

Becoming a content manager will require handling a variety of tasks and extensive knowledge of social media. Because of this, you'll need to invest in business tools that'll help you stay on top of everything.

Fortunately, our mobile app can help you get anything done from anywhere, ensuring you satisfy all of your clients.

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