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Meet Darryl from the Hectic team

Meet Darryl, Hectic's CEO and co-founder. Learn about Darryl's journey as a freelancer and his motivation behind creating Hectic.
Meet Darryl from the Hectic team

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Who is Darryl?

I’m the guy who will have a three hour conversation with you when you have a bad day, makes best friends with strangers at coffee shops, and occasionally loses a shoe in the office — seriously if you find it there is a reward at this point.

A bit about your background?

I once learned a Latin phrase which, I think, epitomizes much of my life: “Vincere est pervincere detrimentos.” which means “Success is to overcome adversity.” I started walking at eight months of age (skipped crawling altogether) and this became a precursor of my personal and professional life: unusual achievements, early maturity, and a life filled with surprising events.

When I was a middle school student, my family was homeless, but it never deterred me from being a great student and citizen. I excelled in high school, taking numerous advanced placement courses. I then entered college at sixteen and eventually received my Bachelor’s degree, MBA, and MFA.

My professional career, much like my younger life, was full of twists, turns, challenges and triumphs. I began as a consultant with Accenture and evolved my career to a revenue and strategy C-suite position. During that time I successfully implemented complex initiatives, transformed organizations, solved knotty problems, and helped organizations increase their productivity and profits.

I also developed as leader and have enjoyed connecting with my team members and helping them see possibilities, not limitations. I have never recognized personal barriers or impediments, and I instill this mentality in my team members. When we collectively imagine or believe in something, I have learned, it is accomplished.

Difficult challenges build strength of character, tenacity, perseverance, and aspirations. Instead of seeing stumbling blocks, I saw stepping stones. I have never rationalized problems or ignored them; nor have I ever allowed myself to be overwhelmed by them. Perhaps another Latin adage would be a fitting close: “Ad astra per aspera”: “To the stars through difficulty.”

Tell us about a career-high moment?

I’m in it right now, this is a career-high moment; for the first time in a very long time I feel like I’m giving to the world and a part of building something that will have an impact on millions of lives.

Why are you involved with Hectic?

I’ve been freelancing for as long as I can remember, mowing lawns, and building custom Lego when I was smaller to graphic design projects in college; turned full-time entrepreneur and I want to build a company that helps pave the way for more options when it comes to making a living than traditional routes of work for someone your entire life and then die.

What’s your hope for freelancers just getting started?

That they can go from freelancing as a side-hustle to making freelancing their career, and never looking back.

What advice do you have for aspiring freelancers?

Be yourself, trust yourself, and love yourself. The only way to real success starts and ends with your ability to bring all you have to offer, because your quirky whatever is going to be the difference between winning and losing.

What do you do when you’re not doing Hectic?

Outside of Hectic first I’m a husband, Olivia and Noah’s dad. I am an Elder and a High School student leader at Flatirons Community Church. I sit on three diversity, equity and inclusion councils, and am in the early process of starting a foundation focused on creating better access to mental health for teens and young adults. If I’m not doing one of those things you’ll find me behind a camera, the wheel of a fast car, or in a Hammock taking a nap.

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Darryl Kelly
Darryl Kelly
Darryl shares what he's learned as both a freelance photographer and freelance consultant. His experience as a freelancer is what led him to co-found Hectic.
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