

Our team of career freelancers writes about best invoice practices, what makes a great client, and repeats the mantra, "never work without a contract." We're opinionated about the future of work and will always be on the side of freelancers.

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3 questions you should ask yourself every month
Reflecting on these three questions could be the key that unlocks more progress and more success for your freelance business.
8 signs it's time to quit your day job & next steps
Does anyone really know when it's time to quit their day job? If you're considering the transition check out these 8 signs for you to quit and move on.
7 tips on how to avoid burnout as a freelancer
Freelancers can experience burnout just like regular employees. Here are 7 Tips on how to avoid burnout and keep the passion alive as a freelancer.
5 types of freelancing jobs emerging for 2022
A successful freelance career starts with identifying your freelancing niche. Check out these 5 types of freelancing jobs that will be in high demand for 2022.
How to start a freelance business & earn extra money
This article will give you a 7 step process on how to start a freelance business of your own. Make sure you check out our blog for more great freelancing tips.
Digital marketing answers for freelancers: Do I need a website?
Do I need a website? A question freelancers have probably asked themselves. This article will help you decide if a website is right for your freelance business.
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