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Can I do my job freelance? I want a more flexible schedule

After years of experience in your field working under someone else you may be wondering, can I do my job freelance? Check out this article to help get you started.
Can I do my job freelance? I want a more flexible schedule

Hero image by Isha Gaines

Let’s face it—at some point, almost all of us have thought about working for ourselves and having our own business. Is there really anyone who enjoys working for someone else?

Some people may enjoy commuting and working in an office every day, but many do not. Working 9:00 to 5:00 five days a week can get tiring, especially if you have children and other obligations. Wouldn't it be nice if you could work from home, in your pajamas, on your own schedule? 

As a freelancer, you can. Freelancers set their hours and rates for the work they do for clients. If you desire a flexible schedule without someone telling you what to do and micromanaging every aspect of your job, then freelancing may work for you. But you may have one important question: can I do my job freelance?

In many cases, yes. While not every job is suited for remote work, many are. Let’s take a look at some, as well as the pros and cons of freelancing you should know about before you make your move.

What Jobs Can Be Done Freelance?

Can I do my job freelance? Maybe. When you think of freelance work, you may think of a writer or designer, but there are many other jobs to consider. They include the following:

  • Photographer
  • Graphic designer
  • Marketing professional
  • Social media manager
  • Administrative assistant
  • Customer service representative
  • Tutor
  • Recruiter/human resources manager
  • Software developer
  • Translator
  • Events planner
  • Accountant
  • Data entry
  • Legal services
  • Research scientist
  • Interior designer

Pros of Freelancing

If the answer to the question “Can I do my job freelance?” is yes, then here are some benefits you’ll enjoy as a freelancer:

  • Flexibility. You can work the hours you want, with the clients you want. You can pick and choose who you want to work for. Need to run errands, have an appointment, or not feeling well? Take the time off you need. As long as you meet your deadlines, nobody cares when you’re clocking in or out. 
  • Independence. Hate group work? You don’t need to do it anymore. As a freelancer, you rely on one person: you. No more boring meetings or annoying co-workers. You can work anywhere you want, whether it be on your couch, the local coffee shop, or even on the beach.
  • Variety. Freelancing allows you to work for multiple clients and do different jobs for each one. For example, you may write blogs for one client, tutor for another, and create logos for another. You probably wouldn’t be able to do all that if you were working full-time for one company. With freelancing, there’s more variety, so work is less boring.

Cons of Freelancing

“Can I do my job freelance?” may be the question running through your head, but the real question you should ask is, “Should I do my job freelance?” Freelancing may sound like a dream come true, but going from a stable full-time job to a freelance career is not for the faint of heart. Here are some things you’ll want to consider before you quit your job:

  • You’re running a business. A freelancer becomes a business owner, so you’ll be responsible for everything, such as taxes, invoicing, marketing, client management, and more. The good news is that Moxie offers an app, as well as valuable advice that can help you manage your freelance business with ease. For more business education explore the offerings at Moxie Academy.
  • No benefits. This is probably the biggest disadvantage for freelancers. You’ll have to get your own health insurance and fund your retirement plan. Plus, there is no paid time off, so you may have to work during illnesses and vacations. 
  • Work can be sporadic. Paychecks are not usually steady. You have to take work when you get it because it can slow down quickly, especially during the holidays. You may have periods where there is no work for weeks or even months. Finding clients can be a full-time job in itself. 

Contact Us Today

Is freelancing right for you? It will be a challenge, but Moxie offers tools to help you stay organized and on top of everything. Use Moxie services and poise your freelance business for success. 

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