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with Thomas Hicks

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What makes a good podcast guest? We had so much fun last season with Thomas Hicks, a.k.a. The Cereal Snob, that we had to bring him back to share his secrets. From learning how to show up as a fuller, more energized version of yourself to embracing your journey, Thomas has all the tips you need to own your space and story. Join us for a special bonus episode!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. What National Cereal Day looks like for one of the world’s premier cereal reviewers.
  2. About embracing yourself uninhibitedly and how that can help you make the biggest impression on everyone you meet.
  3. How using his phone to amplify his growth helped him best represent himself and his brand.
  4. Why connecting with the people who resonate with your whole self is more fulfilling than being liked by everyone.
  5. What Thomas learned about himself when he pursued his dream of acting in L.A.
  6. The story behind his tattoo, plus the reasons he wants to change it now.
  7. Why the journey you take to pursue a goal is so much more important than achieving it.
  8. How to redefine success through your experiences rather than your accomplishments.
  9. What Thomas wishes for the world in 2022.
  10. Plus, some easy ways to pursue that wish for yourself.

Find Thomas on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
Read more on our blog.

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