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The dictator


with Evy Lyons

The dictator
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Evy Lyons is a builder of brands, teams, and muscles. She has explored her personal brand over the past year, learning how to define what she cares about and stands for. As my guest this week, she shares what she’s discovered, her thoughts on autonomous creativity, and why she has recently focused on strength training.

You’ll also get a peek at Evy’s new brand and how it is pushing her out of her comfort zone in the best way.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. Evy’s new tagline, along with what it means and how she came up with it.
  2. How she is refining her personal brand to better reflect her values and passions.
  3. Why it was so hard for her to start a personal blog despite years of experience as a writer.
  4. About the small steps she took in 2020 to understand where she wants to go in life.
  5. The differing approaches Evy and her husband have to leadership.
  6. New ways to think about professional hierarchies that offer more autonomy to ideas and actions.
  7. What is at the core of brands, particularly the ones that Evy builds in her work.
  8. An introduction to The Pleasant Box and how it came to be.
  9. How fighting against the feeling of being controlled helped her quit smoking and overcome her insecurities.
  10. Where and how you can join Evy’s garage gym workouts and strength training sessions.

Show Notes:
The Pleasant Box
Evy Lyons
The Score Takes Care of Itself

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