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Talk legal to me


with Nicole Swartz

Talk legal to me
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Today, we welcome back Nicole Swartz of Sprout Law, expert on everything trademark. She returns to answer many of the questions we got after her last episode, plus offer guidance on choosing the right business registration, checking for trademarks, and building a solid contract. The best part? It’s all focused on freelancers and small business owners so you can easily apply it to your work and business.

Nicole joined us previously to share how trademark issues derailed her thriving skincare business. She has used her experience to help others avoid the same problems, becoming an expert on trademark law and shedding light on a hazy area of business. She gave us even more practical advice in this episode, so it’s truly a discussion you can’t miss.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. Why so many freelancers and small business owners ignore the legal side of things until something bad happens.
  2. How to know when you need to get a trademark for your business, even if you offer services instead of products.
  3. The ingredients in a Trademark Sandwich™ and why it’s important to build it correctly.
  4. What the different business registrations involve, what they mean, and how to find the right option for you.
  5. The potential consequences of working in certain industries without liability protection, even if you’re just providing social media content or graphic design work.
  6. How to find out if your business name is trademarked, plus when you may need to get an attorney involved.
  7. What to do (and not do) if your brand name is the same or similar to a trademarked option.
  8. The two things to double-check when using a contract or contract template to protect yourself and your business.
  9. What kind of changes Nicole would make to the SBA to make a better world for freelancers.
  10. A sneak peek at what we’re doing behind the scenes at the Hectic Podcast and what we’re hoping to share with it.
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