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Such progress, so wow


with Geoff Mina

Such progress, so wow
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Go behind the scenes as I check in with founder Geoff Mina for an update on all things Hectic. Everyone loved our last conversation and I’m thrilled to have him on again. Join us to hear more about everything from herding cats (it’s back!) to the exciting platform news you won’t want to miss.

A lot goes into building a company and product, especially when customer involvement is a cornerstone of the process. We had a blast discussing the many things we learned, experienced, and built over the last four months.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. What we have loved about these first few months of working with actual users.
  2. Just why operating a start-up has so much in common with herding cats.
  3. How giving users ownership of Hectic has made it both a better product and an amazing place to work.
  4. The ways I have grown, in confidence and personally, through hosting this podcast.
  5. My top tips for running a successful podcast, as learned over the last 14 episodes.
  6. Our plans for upcoming guests and episodes, along with a sneak peek at the vision behind the podcast as a whole.
  7. Why Hectic will never require an annual subscription and why this is an essential part of the mindset behind the brand.
  8. About the “10x value” philosophy and the way it drives our every action.
  9. What exciting new updates are coming soon for Hecticapp.com.
  10. Our immense gratitude for you and everyone who has joined us on this wild journey. Thank you!
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