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Sell yourself


with Scott Fultz

Sell yourself
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Scott Fultz went from full-time rockstar to a Kinko’s computer department and ultimately to a successful 20-year career as a freelancer and entrepreneur. On this week’s episode, we discuss the reasons he traded a 40-to-50-hour work month for a full-time gig as Hectic’s Head of Engineering. Tune in to hear about his freelancing journey, love of yoga, and advice for starting out on your own.In today’s episode, you’ll hear:

  1. How Scott went from an office job to a successful freelance graphic design and programming career
  2. Why independent creating is so close to his heart
  3. How he thinks the pandemic will affect the way we work
  4. If work was chess, how his move rivaled any of Beth Harmon’s best work
  5. Why every freelancer needs self-confidence and ‘stick-to-it-iveness’
  6. About craniosacral healing and how it connects Scott’s story to Geoff Mina’s
  7. His role in Hectic’s beginnings
  8. Why he kept Hectic’s development at home rather than taking it off-shore
  9. The freelancing mistake he made in his first year and how to avoid it

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