Scott Fultz went from full-time rockstar to a Kinko’s computer department and ultimately to a successful 20-year career as a freelancer and entrepreneur. On this week’s episode, we discuss the reasons he traded a 40-to-50-hour work month for a full-time gig as Hectic’s Head of Engineering. Tune in to hear about his freelancing journey, love of yoga, and advice for starting out on your own.In today’s episode, you’ll hear:
- How Scott went from an office job to a successful freelance graphic design and programming career
- Why independent creating is so close to his heart
- How he thinks the pandemic will affect the way we work
- If work was chess, how his move rivaled any of Beth Harmon’s best work
- Why every freelancer needs self-confidence and ‘stick-to-it-iveness’
- About craniosacral healing and how it connects Scott’s story to Geoff Mina’s
- His role in Hectic’s beginnings
- Why he kept Hectic’s development at home rather than taking it off-shore
- The freelancing mistake he made in his first year and how to avoid it
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