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Make your bed

with Geoffrey Mina

with Geoffrey Mina

Make your bed
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My guest today is Geoffrey Mina, CEO and Co-Founder at Hecticapp.com. Geoffrey is a 20-year technology entrepreneur and transformational business leader known and respected for seeing through the clutter of the complex to arrive at the most effective and optimal way forward; while inspiring teams to push beyond their limits and consistently perform at levels not thought possible.

In today's episode, you'll hear:

  1. Geoffrey's non-traditional story to paving his own path and creating on his own terms.
  2. The importance of starting and staying organized.
  3. His approach and advice on solving complex problems.
  4. Lessons from starting and then selling a multinational enterprise company at the age of 24.
  5. Love for seemingly insurmountable challenges
  6. His vision for how Hecticapp.com will help bring the next generation of the workforce out of the requirement of working for someone else.
  7. Simple tips for creating more discipline in your routine, and the importance of the simple act of making your bed.
  8. The role that self-confidence plays in becoming your best self.
  9. We hear about some unfinished business with Geoffrey and Hecticapp.com Head of Engineering and Co-Founder Scott Fultz.
  10. Lastly, Geoff introduces a new segment to the show coming in early 2021 called Herding Cats.

Here's where you can continue the conversation and connect with Geoffrey:

Geoffrey on LinkedIn
Geoffrey on Instagram
Email Geoffrey

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