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Keep it going


with Marek Hosek

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Marek Hosek is not a freelancer. And, in fact, you probably aren’t either. Listen this week to hear why freelancing is only the first step, how being an independent creator opens more doors, and why the connections you build matter most.

With 19 years of independent creation under his belt, Marek shares his journey as a graphic designer and savvy business owner. You’ll discover his thoughts about client relationships, living below your means, and doing work that really matters.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear:

  1. All about visual communication and the power it has in branding, social movements, and everything in between.
  2. The dangers of assuming you know more than your clients.
  3. Why listening and building connections with clients are the best things you can do to sustain your business long-term.
  4. His reasons for living below his means, even in his success.
  5. The downsides of having steady work and plenty of clients.
  6. What independent work and the service industry have in common.
  7. Why freelancing isn’t — and never should be — free.
  8. How freelancing is to independent creation what acoustic covers are to a rock band.
  9. About Marek’s trips to Haiti and the Dominican Republic and how they sparked an incredible force for change.
  10. Why your former-side-gig-turned-business should, well, have a side gig.

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