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with Adrianna Baros

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Can she fix it? Yes, she can! Adrianna Baros offers furniture repairs and touch-ups, but that is only one of the many incredible skills she offers. She joins the podcast this week to share how she got involved with this craft and what it’s like to live such a wild, fun, and crazy life.

Whether she’s plotting how to trade up from a pen to a Tesla or making barn doors for her home, Adrianna isn’t afraid to dive in and try something new. We all have something to learn from her do-it attitude and I’m so excited to share her story.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. About running such a unique business and the unconventional ways Adrianna connects with new customers.
  2. Her experiences with cars and motorcycles, including the plans she has for the Tesla she hopes to trade her way up to.
  3. How she knew college wasn’t the right fit and decided on what she wanted to do instead.
  4. The meaning behind her brand name, Second Love Restoration.
  5. About the beauty she sees in her work, even in the mundane jobs.
  6. Where her drive to try new things and gain new knowledge comes from.
  7. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of taking risks and messing up anything you want to try in life.
  8. The easy way to start your own DIY projects at home.
  9. The advice Adrianna uses to grow her business, knowledge, and skills.
  10. Why being the only young woman she knows in her field will take her to the top.
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