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Hell yes


with Sarah Robb

Hell yes
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Happy International Women’s Day! Today’s guest is a seven-year freelance copywriter and passionate supporter of women’s empowerment. As a self-professed “Type Z” person, Sarah Robb uses her quirkiness to help brands create content that makes a real difference.

She met with me this week to share why her experiences in a stifling, male-dominated work environment led her to freelance, how she finds the right clients, and what she loves about living that #bosslesslife.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear:

  1. The evolution of Sarah’s brand and how it helped her find clients that appreciate her quirkiness.
  2. What sour gummies, slang, and hot dogs have to do with copywriting.
  3. Ways to use words to create content that people want to connect and engage with.
  4. How a traditional job affected her creative energy, even in an agency she loved.
  5. Her 20/20 hindsight on the ups and downs that defined her early freelance career.
  6. The trick to understanding and demanding your worth as a freelancer.
  7. ...and why always getting enthusiastic yeses from clients about increasing your rate is a problem.
  8. All of the great experiences her business allows her to enjoy as an avid outdoorswoman.
  9. Why working in a male-dominated environment, even with great coworkers, made her passionate about women’s empowerment.
  10. How learning to say no can set you up to say “Hell yes!” to great opportunities.

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Sarah on Instagram

Sarah's Website

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