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Growing is knowing


with Tennielle Clark

Growing is knowing
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Our guest this week is Tennielle Clark, podcast host, life coach, mom, and gardener extraordinaire. In our raw conversation, she shares how she turned a period of deep tragedy into a starting point for success. And why it was only possible with the help of *gulp* therapy.

Yep, we’re destroying that stigma too.

Join us as we explore the importance of partnering with mental health professionals to move from just surviving to finding happiness in all areas of life. You’ll learn how you can grow and bloom in your space, wherever you want that to be.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. What Tennielle has learned from gardening and connecting with the earth.
  2. Why you should learn to stop, breathe, and put everything weighing on your mind onto a shelf for mental clarity and meaningful interactions.
  3. Her journey through hardship, loss, and growth, and how it led her to hosting a podcast that creates a safe space for other black women.
  4. How being uncomfortable, looking foolish, and sitting in the hard stuff can change your life.
  5. About the potential healing and opportunities you can find through a therapist that just wants to see you thrive.
  6. The permission you need to find what you want in life.
  7. How The Plant with No Name helped her survive a horrible job experience.
  8. Why you should fail and fail hard.
  9. The difference between finding support that will hold you back and the yes people that will get you where you want to be.
  10. Why Tennielle would shout from pulpits and rooftops to tell you: “Please go to therapy!”

How to catch up with Tennielle Clark


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