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Fullest self


with Odalys Jasmine

Fullest self
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There’s something different about my guest this week. She practically glows with passion, vulnerability, and authenticity. During this episode, you’ll hear how Odalys Jasmine learned how to own her story and share it with the world. From childhood hardships to current projects, she explores her experience with finding and understanding success on her terms. 

As a Latino and child of immigrants, Odalys works to make space for minority communities through storytelling workshops for students, modeling for Latino-owned businesses, and her podcast, Hell@ Latino. She is changing the world with her beautiful story and we can’t wait to share it with you this week.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. About Odalys’ story, from childhood homelessness and adversity to becoming an entrepreneur and helping others find success.
  2. The similarities between her story and mine (Darryl’s), plus how our experiences have helped shape us.
  3. How being raw and vulnerable and sharing your story can transform the world.
  4. Why trying to fit a fictional idea of success can rob you of fulfillment and make you feel like an imposter in your own life.
  5. What (and who) prompted Odalys to find her authentic self.
  6. How you can do the same, from learning to talk to yourself to embracing the things that make up the unique and beautiful you.
  7. The reasons you need a supportive team at your back to become successful, even as an entrepreneur.
  8. Why being vulnerable and authentic makes people respond to you, your story, and what you do.
  9. Why Odalys never leads with accomplishments on her podcast.
  10.  What she is doing (and getting ready to do!) to further her passion, goal, and community
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