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with Todd Van Fleet

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My guest of the week is a connector. He brings people together, creating and participating in communities that are life-giving to everyone involved. He also happens to kill at it independent creating, giving clients what they want before they even know they want it.

I am thrilled to introduce you to Todd Van Fleet, photographer and designer extraordinaire. Whether he’s adding to his popular bicycle landscape photo series or journaling new ideas for future pursuits, he gives 100% to everything he creates. In our episode, he shares how he is able to manage his busy schedule without sacrificing quality and creativity. And it fits very serendipitously with our last episode!

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  1. How being in a community of people that you love, trust, and/or respect can help you be at your best.
  2. Why you have to balance rest, more mundane work, and creativity to live and perform with excellence.
  3. The reasons Todd thinks managing expectations is the most important thing you can do to grow a successful freelance business.
  4. How his unique way of upselling creative services has given him 100% client retention.
  5. What one (or more) thing(s) Todd wants to be best at.
  6. All about his bicycle landscape photos, from the start of his interest in photography to the charity fundraiser that sparked the collection.
  7. How using his creativity for something more than himself has led to bigger things, plus what those things are.
  8. Why ADHD is a creative superpower that inspires incredible ideas.
  9. About Todd’s many notebooks, and how they help him process his creativity.
  10. Tips for going beyond client expectations and using this extra step to win repeat business, even from major clients like the Denver Broncos.

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