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See Moxie in action

Moxie helps you turn your passion into income. Watch as Michelle shows you how everything in Moxie was built to make running a freelance business more sane and satisfying.

amit with moxie freelance

I send a lot of small, frequent invoices and proposals for my consulting business. Before using Moxie, I used Harvest and I often forgot to bill my clients for all the work I did. A lot of things fell through the cracks and I didn’t want to nickel and dime them. Now it’s so easy to get all these little things out to them that I end up billing $1,000 a month more.

Amit Bansil
freelance client

I’m relatively new to the world of freelancing and am not the most organized person. Moxie has helped me keep all of my deadlines, contracts, invoices, and more all in one place. It’s been a game changer! I’m able to focus on what I love doing now instead of draining myself with logistics and administrative tasks!

marissa with moxie

My husband and I were able to send out our very first proposal to a new client of ours for our photography business. The format made it so easy to create and understand and we received signatures easily. Moxie makes me feel in control and excited to start this new journey. I also love their passion for promoting and encouraging a diverse range of freelancers. Can’t wait to dive into the app even more.

Marissa Morrow
thomas moxie business

Loving this product so far, and I’ve tried them all. Tailored to freelancers and seems to be solving the problems that other products couldn’t for me. The way I need to organize projects and deliverables is clean and efficient. No clutter and a joy to use!

Thomas O'Quinn
Creative director

I'm in the process of scaling my freelance business and Moxie was exactly the tool I needed. I spend less time doing administrative tasks, and more time focusing on the work.

Bryan Gasaway
Creative consultant

I can't say enough about the team at Moxie. They are committed to creating a great one-stop dashboard for freelancers, and it shows. Anytime I've raised a question in chat, one of the founders is there in minutes asking questions and helping me figure out my issue. I've even seen them implement features and/or do things on the backend to get me the result I'm after in real time! The product itself is great and really affordable compared to competitors in the space and it keeps getting better!

Matt Wright
Marketing strategist