Our team of career freelancers writes about best invoice practices, what makes a great client, and repeats the mantra, "never work without a contract." We're opinionated about the future of work and will always be on the side of freelancers.
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10 ways to increase your income as a freelancer
Increasing your bottom line as a freelancer may not be as difficult as you think. Check out our ultimate guide for ways to increase your income as a freelancer.
How to get clients as a new freelancer
As a new freelancer, attracting clients is a top priority. This guide will give you tips on how to get clients as a new freelancer and build your clientele.
Ultimate guide: How to negotiate as a freelancer
Negotiating fees and rates is a key element to a successful freelance business. This guide will teach you how to negotiate as a freelancer and achieve your goals
8 common freelancer mistakes and how to avoid them
There are plenty pitfalls to fall into as a freelancer. To help navigate this landscape here are 8 common freelancer mistakes with tips on how to avoid them.
5 tips on how to pitch yourself as a freelancer
As freelance work grows in popularity, there is more competition to land clients. Secure your next job with these 5 tips on how to pitch yourself to an employer.
Is freelancing right for me?
Freelancing isn't necessarily a good fit for everyone. Follow this guide to find out if a freelancing career is something that would be beneficial to you.