Our team of career freelancers writes about best invoice practices, what makes a great client, and repeats the mantra, "never work without a contract." We're opinionated about the future of work and will always be on the side of freelancers.
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5 common business startup mistakes and how to avoid them
Starting a business that can meet your long-term goals requires knowing what not to do. Here are common business startup mistakes and how to avoid them.
The complete guide to creating a daily freelance schedule
Are you starting your career as a freelancer and wondering how to schedule your time? Here is the complete guide to creating a daily freelance schedule.
A workforce full of freelancers - would the world be a better place?
Yes, flexibility is a great benefit for independent creators, but it's not the only great reason to start your freelance career.
6 essential books for conquering the world of freelance
Read these 6 books to get advice and insight on freelancing from experts on being your own boss.
How to know when to increase your freelance rates (and by how much)
Increasing your freelance rates can be a daunting task if you have never done it before. Here are a few signs and tips to help you through the process.
When do I need to invest in freelance bookkeeping software?
Freelance bookkeeping can be a tedious task that takes you away from your true passion. This post will help you decide if freelance bookkeeping software is right for you.