

Our team of career freelancers writes about best invoice practices, what makes a great client, and repeats the mantra, "never work without a contract." We're opinionated about the future of work and will always be on the side of freelancers.

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7 signs you should fire a client as a freelancer
Putting up with bad clients isn't just a headache. It can make you lose money. Here are a few signs that mean you should fire a client as a freelancer.
Showing off what you've got: What to include in a freelancer portfolio
When it comes to creating a freelancer portfolio, there are a few things you can't forget. Take a look at this guide to learn how to build a portfolio.
How can freelancers find clients on Medium?
How can freelancers find clients on Medium? Click here for tips, tricks, and strategies that are sure to lead to more clients and future projects.
The Hectic Podcast with Kristin Quiroz Bayona: Pushing through discomfort
Listen to Kristin Quiroz Bayona, owner of Explorer in You, shares her love of travel and why discomfort is important to freelancing.
How to get started as a freelance social media manager
How do you become a freelance social media manager? This handy guide lets you know everything needed to get yourself started in this career.
How to start working as a freelancer
Working as a freelancer can be very rewarding, after all—you're your own boss. But how do you get started working for yourself?
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